
Offline Donation Information

Bank Details

Thank you for considering donating to support our cause! If you prefer to make an offline donation via bank transfer, please use the following bank details:

Bank Name: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
Account Name: Marathon Updates 
Beneficiary Number: 20507770100674898
Bank Routing Number (if applicable): 125270607
Currency: BDT
Account Type: Current Account

Purpose of Donation: Empower Lives Through Charity

Instructions for Donors:

  1. Initiate a bank transfer using the provided bank account details.
  2. Please include a reference or memo with your donation indicating your name or any identifier to help us track and acknowledge your contribution.
  3. If you have any questions or need assistance with the donation process, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Security and Privacy Assurance: Your privacy and security are important to us. Rest assured that your financial information will be kept confidential and your donation will be used responsibly to support our mission.

Thank you for your generosity and support. Your donation will make a meaningful difference in Children’s Education, Healthcare, Basic Necessities, and Empowerment.

Thank You